Arizona, Nevada, USA

Las Vegas to Tucson

Up until we reached Arizona, our time in the United States had seemed like a rather touristy affair. We'd spent three weeks in LA, San Francisco and Las Vegas; and even San Diego with its more laid-back attitude to life had a bit of a polished sheen to it. Knowing that we wanted to reach… Continue reading Las Vegas to Tucson

Nevada, USA

Getting Stuck in Vegas (or, Adventures at the Tod Motor Motel)

After staying for three days at The Excalibur- which FYI is a gigantic and fantastically tacky castle-themed hotel and casino at one end of the South Las Vegas Boulevard- our plan was to venture in the vague direction of the Grand Canyon. We would continue from there, moving onwards across America in a joyous semi-pioneering… Continue reading Getting Stuck in Vegas (or, Adventures at the Tod Motor Motel)

Nevada, USA

How to Stay on a Tight Budget for Las Vegas • (Living it Up Even if You’re Not a High Roller)  

Staying on a tight budget for Las Vegas: how to live it up even if you're not a high roller. If I had to write a tag line for Las Vegas it would be 'like Disneyland for gamblers and alcoholics.' And although I wouldn't describe myself as either of those it was to my own… Continue reading How to Stay on a Tight Budget for Las Vegas • (Living it Up Even if You’re Not a High Roller)  

California, USA

Journey to L.A. : Saying Howdy to the US Border Control

So here it is, you guys: the beginning of the America trip, in all its glory. Neither me nor my boyfriend had even been on a long haul flight before. Yet there we were, planning three months in America without much of an idea of a route- other than that we were starting in Los… Continue reading Journey to L.A. : Saying Howdy to the US Border Control