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Alex in the red phone box on Jolly Beach
Antigua and Barbuda, Caribbean

Best Beaches in Antigua • The Telephone Box at Dickenson Bay Beach

There is an actual telephone box beach in Antigua! Whilst I might not have been to all 365 beaches on the island, Dickenson Bay beach is without a doubt one of the best beaches in Antigua.  Hands up who else remembers the days of telephone boxes!? In England these red-painted booths are iconic, and as… Continue reading Best Beaches in Antigua • The Telephone Box at Dickenson Bay Beach

winter in florence
Europe, Italy

Florence in Winter – a day trip from Livorno

Florence at any time, is exquisitely beautiful. But Florence in winter has a special kind of magic about it.  I was rather on the sad side when I realised that that day when we docked in Tuscany would be an extra chilly one. I'd wanted to go to Florence for months since we'd begun a… Continue reading Florence in Winter – a day trip from Livorno

is Paphos worth visiting
Cyprus, Europe

Is Paphos Worth Visiting? • A Surprising Stay in Cyprus

Is Paphos worth visiting? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say absolutely yes it is. Once a Brits-abroad haven- mentioned in the same thread as places like the Canary Islands or Mallorca- this ancient city is full of hidden gems. There's plenty of activities on these Cypriot streets catering to the… Continue reading Is Paphos Worth Visiting? • A Surprising Stay in Cyprus

the sailors church in Marseille
Europe, France

The Magic of Notre-Dame de la Garde- the ‘sailors church’ in Marseille

Not only is Notre-Dame de la Garde a stunning landmark- which can be seen from pretty much anywhere in the city- but it's also the official 'sailors church' in Marseille. The inside is an absolute nautical treasure trove.  From just about any spot in the French city of Marseille, it's possible to spot the silhouette… Continue reading The Magic of Notre-Dame de la Garde- the ‘sailors church’ in Marseille

visiting an Emberá village in Panama
Central America, Panama

Visiting an Emberá Village in Panama

Visiting an Emberá village in Panama was one of the most interesting things I got to do during my entire time in Panama. To meet indigenous people who live so differently from the way I'm used to living back in England, in the setting of their rainforest home, was an experience I'll never forget. *This… Continue reading Visiting an Emberá Village in Panama

a man painting the view from Klis Fortress in Dalmatia
Croatia, Europe

Klis Fortress • Game of Thrones and Croatian Castles

As we drove through the limestone, shrub-speckled hills of Dalmatia with the sea behind us and mountains ahead, I couldn't actually see where Klis Fortress was. Apparently it was directly ahead, then kind of to the left, then kind of ahead again. I was beginning to think that my eyes needed testing, when I realised… Continue reading Klis Fortress • Game of Thrones and Croatian Castles

Europe, Germany

Free Things to Do in Berlin (With all the Berlin Photo Inspiration You’ll Need)

The all time best free things to do and places to see in Berlin. (Other than my pal's house, because that doesn't count.) We're talking hotspots here, people, hotspots.  I LOVED Berlin, and I'll tell you this for free (get it, for free!?)- I wasn't expecting to. In a slightly macabre way, what makes this… Continue reading Free Things to Do in Berlin (With all the Berlin Photo Inspiration You’ll Need)

visiting inside the Palau de la Música Catalana
Europe, Spain

The Palau de la Música Catalana, Barcelona – inside one of the most beautiful buildings in the world

The Palau de la Música Catalana Barcelona may well be the most beautiful building in the city. Without a doubt this is one of the most stunning places I've ever stepped foot inside, and with any luck these photos will give you a sense of the brilliance of this lesser-known gem.  *This site uses affiliate… Continue reading The Palau de la Música Catalana, Barcelona – inside one of the most beautiful buildings in the world

day trip from Split to Trogir
Croatia, Europe

A Day Trip from Split to Trogir- Photo Inspiration from the ‘Little Venice’ of Dalmatia

It's so incredibly easy to get from Split to Trogir, that I wholeheartedly advise anyone and everyone visiting the city to take a day trip to see the beautiful 'Little Venice' of Dalmatia.  The town of Trogir is located on the historic Dalmatian Coast of Croatia, not too far from Split (and in actual fact,… Continue reading A Day Trip from Split to Trogir- Photo Inspiration from the ‘Little Venice’ of Dalmatia