An English gal's experience of visiting Belgrade, Serbia. (It starts off sort of bleak, but don't panic guys- it swiftly improves). What do you know about Serbia? As an extremely English twenty-something year old lass (I'm all about that cream tea life), my only prior knowledge of Serbia was pretty limited. In fact to be… Continue reading Visiting Belgrade, Serbia
Tag: solo travel
What NOT to do in Lisbon • I made these mistakes so you don’t have to
What not to do in Lisbon. (You'll thank me later.) Our ship sailed into Lisbon one midday in April, gliding underneath a red suspension bridge which looked suspiciously similar to the Golden Gate Bridge, and past the Statue of Christ the King (ie, not Christ the Redeemer as they have hanging out in Brazil) overlooking… Continue reading What NOT to do in Lisbon • I made these mistakes so you don’t have to
One Day in Reykjavik
How to spend one day in Reykjavik. A guide for the curious cruise ship explorers and the arriving in Reykjavik-but-heading-out-ASAPers. I watched a film a few days before we arrived in Reykjavik this Summer, and that film was called 'Bokeh.' You might have heard of it. Although you probs haven't. It's rather a low budget… Continue reading One Day in Reykjavik
Teaching English in Italy • Week One, Mondavio
Somehow, with no interview or even a whiff of a TEFL qualification on my CV, I had been offered a job teaching English IN ITALY. TO ACTUAL ITALIAN CHILDREN. I booked myself onto a flight to Bologna and only the night before leaving did I begin to panic that this whole thing was an extremely… Continue reading Teaching English in Italy • Week One, Mondavio