Europe, Italy

Teaching English in Italy • San Lorenzo, Le Marche 

Part two of my adventures teaching English in Italy: San Lorenzo in Le Marche. If you need to catch up on part one, here it is in all its bloggy glory. I may have been the one doing all the teaching, but here are all the lessons I learnt along the way... 1.  What it… Continue reading Teaching English in Italy • San Lorenzo, Le Marche 

Europe, Italy

Teaching English in Italy • Week One, Mondavio

Somehow, with no interview or even a whiff of a TEFL qualification on my CV, I had been offered a job teaching English IN ITALY. TO ACTUAL ITALIAN CHILDREN. I booked myself onto a flight to Bologna and only the night before leaving did I begin to panic that this whole thing was an extremely… Continue reading Teaching English in Italy • Week One, Mondavio